Diana Rodríguez-Gómez

Assistant Professor


241 Education Building

Rodriguez Gomez, Diana Maria

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Diana Rodríguez Gómez is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Policy Studies Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her work examines state-building and education policy-making processes in areas affected by violence, particularly in Latin America. In her current research project, she draws from qualitative and ethnographic methods to explore the concepts of state formation and fragility in a school located near the Colombia-Venezuela border. Rodríguez-Gómez oversees EPS’s Study Abroad program in Colombia, where students learn how human rights are exercised, negotiated, and contested in Colombia’s educational system.


  • Ed D International Educational Development, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2016
  • MA International Education & Development, School of Education, University of Sussex, 2009
  • Graduate Diploma Cultural Studies, School of Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2007
  • BA History, School of Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2004

Select Publications

  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2022). Disputed futures: rural entrepreneurship and migration in postsecondary trajectories on the Ecuador–Colombia Border. Ethnography and Education DOI: 10.1080/17457823.2022.2049333.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D., & Russell, S. G. (2021). Human Rights Violations through Structural Violence: A Case Study of Human Rights Education in New York City. American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) DOI: https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312211057307.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D., & Bermeo, M. (2020). Assembling the Educational Nexus to the War on Drugs: A Systematic Review. Journal of Education in Emergencies, 6(1), 18-56.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2019). Bureaucratic Barriers to Universal Access to Education in Ecuador. Journal of Education in Emergencies, 5(1), 62-93.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2018). Social Advocacy in Neoliberal Times: Non-Governmental Organizations in Ecuador’s Refugee Landscape. In Cortina, R. & De la Fuente, C. (Eds.), New Advocates for Education: Civil Society Organizations in Latin America (pp. 108-128). New York City, NY: Routledge.
  • Sayed, Y., Badroodien, A., Hanaya, A., & Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2017). Social Cohesion, Violence, and Education in South Africa. In Seedat, M., Suffla, S., & Christie, D. (Eds.), Enlarging the Scope of Peace: African and World-Regional Contributions (pp. 239-254). Springer International Publishing.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2017). When War Enters the Classroom: A case study on the experiences of youth on the Ecuador–Colombia border. In Williams, J. & Bellino, M. (Eds.), (Re)Constructing Memory: Education, Identity, and Conflict (pp. 269-289). Sense Publishers.
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D., Foulds, K., & Sayed, Y. (2016). Textbooks and Peacebuilding in Colombia and South Africa. Education as Change, 20(3), 76-97.
  • Bartlett, L., Rodríguez-Gómez, D., & Olivera, G. (2015). South-South Migration and Education: Sociocultural Perspectives. Educação e Pesquisa, 41(5), 1153-1170.
  • Kanjee, A., Sayed, Y., & Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2010). Curriculum planning and reform in sub-Saharan Africa. Southern African Review of Education, 16(1), 83-96.

Select Presentations

  • Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2022). U.S Empire, Plan Colombia and the Right to Education. Lecture Comparative and International Education Society, Minneapolis.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2019). The Production and Appropriation of Educational Policy Oriented Towards Peacebuilding: An Extended Case Study in the Colombian-Venezuelan Border. Highlighted Panel presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, San Francisco, CA.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2018). Pre-Conference Workshop: Educational policies and practices in the context of the war on drugs Workshop to build a shared research-action agenda. presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2018). Social Advocacy in Neoliberal Times: Non-Governmental Organizations in Ecuador’s Refugee Landscape. presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2017). The Lost Link: Conversations About Violence and Human Rights Education in Classrooms. presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, CA.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2017). The Disruption of Refugee Labels in Formal and Non-Formal Settings in Ecuador. presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Atlanta, GA.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2016). Refugees as Responsible Citizens: Ecuador’s Revolución Ciudadana In Schools. presented at the American Anthropological Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2016). Caught in Between: The Conflicting Demands of Marginal Citizenship for Young Migrants in Ecuador. presented at the Latin American Studies Association Conference, New York City, NY.
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2015). When War Enters the Classroom: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Relationships among School Community Members amidst Armed Conflict on the Colombian–Ecuadorian Border. presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Washinton, D.C..
  • Rodriguez Gomez, D. (2015). Social Relationships and The Distribution of Financial Resources Under the Logic of Armed Conflict: A case study of a school located in the Colombian-Ecuadorian border. presented at the Latin American Studies Association Conference, San Juan de Puerto Rico.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP), Junior Faculty Teaching Award, Center for Latin American Studies, Ohio State University, 2020
  • Proposal Writing for Early-career Scholar Success (PROWESS), School of Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2022
  • NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow, Schooling in (Il)legal Economies: A Comparative Study of Educational Experiences in the Midst of the Drug War, (2021–2022)
  • Concha Delgado Gaitán Early Career Presidential Fellowship, Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, 2019
  • Fellow, Salzburg Global Seminar, Salzburg, Austria, 2019
  • Grantee, Security & Drugs Research Center (CESED), Universidad de Los Andes, 2018
  • Summer Enrichment Award, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2018
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, CIES Latin American Special Interest Group, 2017
  • Finalist, Frederick Erickson Outstanding Dissertation Award, Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological Association, 2016
  • Grantee, Fulbright – Colciencias Scholar, (2011, 2016)