The Department of Educational Policy Studies offers a number of resources and programs to help you make the most of your time in the program. Use this section to get to know your peers, learn about current news and events in the department, and explore department policy, or pursue jobs or awards.
Get to Know Your Peers
Read about EPS students’ research, favorite classes, experiences at UW–Madison, and more.
Student Resources
Undergraduate Advising
The School of Education undergraduate academic advisors are here to support you. Choosing a major or certificate should be a thoughtful and informed process, one that students don’t need to figure out on their own. Advisors can help find the right fit; getting in touch with them early can be very helpful.
Graduate Advising
Every graduate student must have an advisor from the major department. This professor advises on courses, supervises research, and acts as a channel of communication within the major department, to other departments, and to the Graduate School. Learn more about graduate advisors and how they can support you in making the most of your EPS experience.
Undergraduate Courses and Resources
Check out upcoming undergraduate courses, research opportunities, and career/advising events while you pursue your Education Studies major or EPS certificate.
Student Awards
There are a number of awards and honors granted by the Department of Educational Policy Studies. Explore the various awards and see past recipients.
Financial Aid
Get information about fellowships, teaching assistantships, awards, and scholarships.
Graduate Dissertations
Curious about what topics other EPS graduate students have studied? View a list of dissertation titles produced by past students.