Anthony Hernandez

Teaching Faculty

Hernandez, Anthony

Dr. Anthony Hernandez is an Award-Winning Researcher, Award-Winning Teaching Faculty, and a Former Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The National Academy of Education (NaEd)/Spencer Foundation awarded him a Research Development Award (RDA) for his research on leadership in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). His research on leadership in higher education focuses on leadership in Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) in general and on Hispanic-Serving Institutions in particular. He was also awarded the Christine and Philip Lodewick Award which is presented to a graduate student most likely to be an outstanding leader in the field of multicultural education. He is writing a book on Critical Transformational Leadership at Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

He was nominated to receive three UW-Madison student-initiated teaching awards. The recognition is for those faculty “that have impacted students positively – instructors that have challenged them, helped them learn, or inspired them.” Dr. Hernandez is an affiliate at the UW-Madison Teaching Academy. He earned a Higher Education Teacher Certification from his alma mater, Harvard University. He credits the works of Paulo Freire and bell hooks for enriching his teaching approach and work with students in the classroom.

Dr. Hernandez has worked on groundbreaking research on material hardship (e.g., housing and food insecurity) in higher education at The Wisconsin HOPE Lab. He also led a two-year evaluation of the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). He has evaluated federal grant proposals for the U.S. Department of Education Office: Post-Secondary Education for Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI), Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA), Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI), and Student Support Services (SSS) Federal TRIO program grant competitions.

Dr. Hernandez serves on the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Education’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). He is a lead for the UW-Madison Chapter of the Scholar Strategy Network (SSN). He also has a record of community involvement and service that includes having served on the nonprofit boards of College Bound Arizona, From Gangs to Jobs, and on the Educational Board of Dreamers of Wisconsin. He currently serves as a board member at the Willy Street Co-op.

Dr. Hernandez earned his Ph.D. and a master’s degree in Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a graduate student member of the honor society at UW-Madison. He earned an undergraduate degree (cum laude) and a master’s degree from Harvard University. He was also a graduate student at both the Harvard Business School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.