Matthew Hora


766 Educational Sciences

1025 W Johnson Street

Madison, WI 53706-1706

Hora, Matthew

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Matthew T. Hora is an Associate Professor of Adult and Higher Education in the Departments of Liberal Arts & Applied Studies (Division of Continuing Studies) and Education Policy Studies (School of Education) and is the Founding and current co-Director of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions (CCWT) at UW-Madison. His interdisciplinary work on active learning, organizational change, career development, college internships, and the nature of skills has brought a cultural and critical perspective to debates on two issues that are dominating the higher education landscape around the world – instructional reform and student employability. Courses taught by Dr. Hora include EDPOL202 “Education at Work” and EDPOL600 “Employability Policy and Practice,” and an online non-credit course (available via UW-Madison’s DCS and EdX) for postsecondary faculty and workplace trainers on teaching “21st century skills” from a cultural perspective.

Dr. Hora’s research program is informed by theory and method from cultural anthropology, the learning sciences, and sociology, and has been featured in a wide range of research papers, technical reports, and magazine articles published in outlets such as the Journal of the Learning Sciences, the American Educational Research Journal, Harvard Educational Review, and the Journal of Higher Education. In 2018 his book co-authored with Ross Benbow and Amanda Oleson – “Beyond the Skills Gap: Preparing College Students for Life and Work” – won the 2018 AAC&U Frederic W. Ness Award for the best book on liberal education, and this and other work has been featured in the Washington Post, the New York Times, Teen Vogue, and USA Today.

To support this research program and help launch the careers of graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and early career scholars, Dr. Hora has secured over $10 million in funding from the National Science Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Strada Education Network, and UW-Madison. Dr. Hora also serves as a board member of the National Academies Board on Higher Education and Workforce and is an Editor at the journals CBE-Life Sciences and Innovative Higher Education.


  • PhD Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012
  • MA Applied Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park, 2004
  • BA Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995

Select Publications

  • Hora, M., Chen, Z., Wolfgram, M., Zhang, J., & Fischer, J. (2023). Designing effective internships: A mixed-methods exploration of the sociocultural aspects of intern satisfaction and development. The Journal of Higher Education
  • Hora, M. (2023). Higher education’s response to the climate emergency is failing to help prepare students for the future of work. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
  • Hora, M., Wolfgram, M., Huerta, A. H., Lee, C., & Gopal, A. (2022). A multilevel, agent-centered analysis of intersectionality in a Hispanic-Serving Institution: The case of college internship access for Latinx students. AERA Open, 8, 1-15.
  • Hora, M., Benbow, R., & Lee, C. (2021). A sociocultural approach to communication instruction: How insights from communication teaching practices can inform faculty development programs. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 30(4-5), 747-796.
  • Hora, M. T. (2020). Hiring as cultural gatekeeping into occupational communities: implications for higher education and student employability. Higher Education, 79(2), 307-324.
  • Hora, M. T., Chen, Z., Parrott, E., & Her, P. (2020). Problematizing college internships: Exploring issues with access, program design, and developmental outcomes in three U.S. colleges. International Journal of Work Integrated Learning, 21(3), 235-252.
  • Hora, M., Smolarek, B., Martin, K., & Scrivener, L. (2019). Exploring the situated and cultural aspects of communication in the professions: Implications for teaching, student employability, and equity in higher education. American Educational Research Journal, 56(6), 2221-2261.
  • Hora, M. T., & Blackburn-Cohen, C. (2018). Cultural capital at work: How cognitive and non-cognitive skills are taught, trained, and rewarded in a Chinese technical college. Community College Review, 46(4), 388-416.
  • Hora, M. T., Oleson, A., & Benbow, R. (2016). Beyond the skills gap: Educating college students for life and work. Boston, MA: Harvard Education Press.
  • Hora, M. (2015). Towards a descriptive science of teaching: How the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol illuminates the dynamic and multi-dimensional nature of active learning modalities in postsecondary classrooms. Science Education, 99(5), 783-818.

Select Presentations

  • Hora, M. (2023, July). Measuring equitable and effective teaching practices using classroom observation protocols. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Technology, Board on Science Education.
  • Hora, M. (2022, December). Insights from the college internship study: Issues of program access, structure, and student outcomes. presented at the National Society for Experiential Education Innovative Scholars Series.
  • Hora, M. (2022, December). The importance of employability skills in the college curriculum. presented at the Tuskegee University.
  • Hora, M. (2021, July). The challenge & Promise of Postsecondary Internships: Insights from Research on Recruitment, Program Design, Evaluation, and Accessibility. presented at the National Science Foundation.
  • Hora, M. (2020, December). Virtual internships data and trends: Insights from the literature and preliminary data from a study of micro-internships in 2020. presented at the Milwaukee Area College Internship Consortium.
  • Hora, M. (2020, June). A cultural approach to workplace training in the “soft” skills. presented at the Creating a learning organization to develop the technologists of the future. UW-Madison E-Business Consortium Information Technology Peer Group Web Meeting.
  • Hora, M. T. (2020, January). Why culture and the disciplines are essential for teaching “soft” skills to college students. presented at the Career Pathways Initiative.
  • Hora, M. T. (2019, December). Building and sustaining stakeholder partnerships in Wisconsin: Lessons from the New Skills for Youth grant. presented at the ACP/Pathways Education-Business Partnerships Conference.
  • Hora, M. T. (2019, October). Why culture and the disciplines are essential for teaching “soft” skills to college students. presented at the The Ohio State University Sesquicentennial Academic Summit Reimagining Teaching and Learning, Columbus, OH.
  • Hora, M. T. (2019, April). What do we know about college internships? Insights from researchers and practitioners on challenges, opportunities, and implications for equity. presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Board of Higher Education and Workforce Board Member, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, 2023
  • Frederic W. Ness Book Award, Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2018
  • Excellence in Professional-Scholarly Publication, Jerome L. Neuner Award, 2016
  • Emerging Interfaces Award, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 2012